Monday, June 25, 2012

Block 3 - Day 1

Block 3 begins today.  I am tired from a very busy weekend with Relay For Life and various football related activities, but I am determined to move forward this week.  Two week at the 40 pushup sets was not ‘easy’ per se, but it was not working me as hard as I could have been working.  In fact, there were a couple of times where I missed a set and doubled up the next set.  I wasn’t able to complete 80 straight pushups, but I could do 50, 20, 10 on my way there.

I have asked my wife to take a few photos of me to keep track of my progress.  I actually took a series of photos prior to starting, but the Sony camera I used takes a stupid proprietary mini memory stick and I appear to have misplaced the adapter that allows me to get the photos off the camera card.  I will eventually find the adapter, or purchase a new one and update an old post with these ‘starter’ photos.

Anyway, here are the photos from the beginning of Block 3, which will be the start of my 4th week of this pushup regimen.  I am not particularly happy with the state of my body, but I guess that is why I am doing this to begin with.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Block 2 - Day 2


It is 11:49am and I have just done my second set of pushups today.  My muscles are really feeling the strain of yesterday's pushups and football practice.  Every set hurts today.  Every pushup hurts... but I won't quit.  I have made a commitment to myself to build a better me and I mean it.

Pain is weakness leaving the body... I have a lot of weakness to get rid of.

Football practice is not something I have mentioned previously, but it is something that I am doing.  Not as a player, but as a coach.  I am helping coach a women's powder puff team, made up of dedicated moms, who are practicing and training for a charity game of full contact flag football (with helmets and pads) to raise money for scholarships for players that would otherwise be unable to meet the costs associated with the game.

However, I am not just standing around coaching, I have strapped on the pads and a helmet and am actively engaging the ladies to teach techniques and skills.  I am running with them, doing agility work with them and sweating my butt off with them.  Our coaching staff is trying to push them as far physically as they are ready and able to go.  Each lady is different in terms of athletic ability and conditioning level, but we want each one to give everything they can, while still preventing injuries.

I have been a blocking dummy, sweat rolling off my brow and down my nose to drip like a leaking faucet, as the line of eager women wait to tee off on me one after another.  I have been a cornerback, running with receiver after receiver as they learn routes and proper change of direction techniques (Cutting).  Most of these drills they run once and move to the back of the line, but I don't get that break.  I do get other breaks though.  I am free to remove my helmet or mouthpiece to speak to the group, while the ladies must stay buckled up.

Regardless, football practice is hard work and it takes a toll on me and my body.... and I love every minute of it.

These ladies are putting their heart and soul, along with all of their energy and effort, into becoming the best team they can be.  They want to raise money for these kids.  They want to put on a great show for the paying fans.  More than anything though, they want to win. They want their hard work and dedication rewarded on the field of battle with a victory.  They deserve it and I will do everything in my power to help them achieve their goal.  Plan, Action, Action, Action, Goal. Everyday is another small step in their journey towards their goal and mine.

They won't quit and neither will I.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Block 1

Day 1 (Monday)
20 pushups, 5 times a day.

No problem, right?

I have been doing 100-150 pushups a day occasionally over the last year or so.  I meant to be doing them everyday, but the reality is that I do them for a week or two, then miss a day, then another.  Eventually I am doing them once a month instead of once a day.

Regardless, this is something I know I can do.  Yet, I am sore after the first set of 20.  It has been about two months since I did any decent amount of pushups and this body of mine remembers ‘lazy’ far better than ‘activity’.  I am able to complete the day’s pushup without any real difficulty, but I am definitely feeling it in my arms and shoulders.

Day 2 – 7 (Tuesday – Sunday)
Day 2 starts with moderate muscle soreness and fatigue, but no serious pain.  I have no issues doing all of my pushups, but I do occasionally miss a set due to the demands of a busy life.  This means I am making up sets by doubling up when I have the time to do so and although I am able to do 40 pushup sets, they are the very limit of my strength.  Once a day, I can manage, but I am very worried about my ability to go into Block 2 next week as I had planned.

The jump from Block 1 to Block 2 is the most difficult jump, as you are doubling the workout load from 100 pushups a day to 200 a day (100% increase).  Each transition beyond Block 1->2 is a smaller and smaller percentage of additional work compared to what I am currently doing.  Block 2->3 adds 100 daily pushups to the 200 that I will be doing (50% increase), while Block 9->10 adds 100 to the 900 that I am already doing (11% increase).

I am going to push towards Block 2 regardless.  If I struggle, then it builds me and strengths my resolve as much as my muscles.  It won’t be easy, but nothing worth doing is easy.  While I was a Marine in my youth, I spent some time with Fox Company, 2nd Marines, 5th Battalion.  Fox Company had a motto back then, perhaps they have the same one still today.
“Get hard, or die.”

Morgan Freeman said, “Get busy living, or get busy dying” as Red in The Shawshank Redemption.

And so I go. 

I choose life and health because I am worth it and so is my family.  What will you choose?

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Why Pushups

You may be asking yourself, “Why do pushups at all, let alone 1000 a day?”

There is no simple answer other than perhaps “Because I want to”.

However, as any personal trainer or athlete can tell you, pushups are a part of nearly every workout program.  Why?  Because they are as simple as it gets in terms of equipment and effort required to allow someone to do them.  Nearly ANYONE can do pushups.  Perhaps not the pushups that are generally thought of as standard, but anyone can do some variation of the pushup.  This might be a kneeling pushup with your knees on the ground or this might be a standing pushup against a wall, with very little weight on the arms at all.

Only have one arm?  You can still do pushups. 
One leg or no legs at all?  You can still do pushups.

There are very few legitimate reasons why one would not be able to do something in the way of a pushup and begin the journey towards doing more and more of them at increasingly more difficult stages until they are doing 1000 standard pushups a day.

Reason #1 – They are an exercise that nearly anyone can do.

So great, now we are doing a bunch of pushups.  What does that do for us??

Well, the pushup is one of the exercises that does so much more than one might think it does.  Sure, it exercises your chest (mostly your pectorals or pecs), shoulders (deltoids) and upper arm (triceps).  But in order to maintain the correct alignment of the body, you are utilizing many, if not most, of the other muscle groups as well. 

Have you hear of the ‘plank’?  The exercise where you hold your body straight while suspending yourself on your forearms and toes?  Most people can’t hold this exercise for 30 seconds, due the strain on their abdominals.  Pushups require the exact same muscles to be engaged to hold the proper position, so your abs are getting a healthy workout as you begin to do more and more pushups in each set.  200 pushup sets will take about 5 minutes and that is basically a 5 minute plank.

Your legs and butt will also be engaged for balance and holding the plank position.  While these muscles may not be getting a huge amount of work, you will begin to notice the effects of the isometric contraction of these muscles.

Your back, both lower and upper, is engaged to hold your body straight and your head up.

Essentially you are working nearly every muscle in your body to some degree or another.

Reason #2 – They work the entire body

So now we have an exercise that someone can do regardless of current physical condition, as well as an exercise that will provide results to the entire body. 

This sounds great.  It must cost thousands of dollars to purchase the equipment or gym membership in order to take advantage of this, right?

Of course not.  Pushups are a body weight exercise that can be done nearly anywhere, without any type of specialized equipment or facilities.  You don’t need a pool or a monstrous weight set or squat rack.  Just you and a bit of wall or floor space depending upon your specific physical ability.

Reason #3 – They are absolutely FREE.

So there you have it, an exercise move that is as close to perfect* as I can think of.  A body weight exercise that is FREE, works nearly every muscle in the body and can be done by nearly everyone. 

You also have an exercise that I have always believed in.  Back in 1994, when I was in the United States Marine Corps, I told people that simply by doing 200 pushups and sit-ups a day, they could radically change their bodies and muscle tone.  I lived this belief and once did 6372 pushups over the course of two days in 500 repetition sets.  I was in great shape, both physically and mentally, but that was a long time ago and I fell out of my routine and let myself waste away.  Now is the time to take back what I let slip away.

What was, can be again.

*Burpees are actually more of an entire body workout that are also free, but they cannot be done by everyone, thus they are a less ‘perfect’ option in my humble opinion.  I will probably start doing these after I reach my 1000 pushups a day goal, but that is the future and I have a goal in front of me already.


Monday, June 4, 2012

The Plan

June 4, 2012

Every goal or action needs a plan.  A goal is an achievable result that one desires to see fulfilled.  Each goal is formed of a number of actions, which take the individual or team closer to the goal.  An action is a movement you choose to take, thus a plan, however briefly considered, is made and acted upon.  If there is no plan, it is simply a re-action, not an action.

My goal is to perform 1000 pushups each and every day.  However, this is not a goal that I can currently perform, thus I have a plan of actions that will allow me to reach this goal.  This is a plan that I believe will work for me and anyone else that would like to obtain the same goal.  Where I start on the plan and where you start may be completely different, or the plan be require modification to meet your needs.  Regardless, I have a plan which is the launching point for meeting my goal.

Basic Plan
Block 1 – 20 pushup sets, 5 times per day = 100 pushups
Block 2 – 40 pushup sets, 5 times per day = 200 pushups
Block 3 – 60 pushup sets, 5 times per day = 300 pushups
Block 4 – 80 pushup sets, 5 times per day = 400 pushups
Block 5 – 100 pushup sets, 5 times per day = 500 pushups
Block 6 – 120 pushup sets, 5 times per day = 600 pushups
Block 7 – 140 pushup sets, 5 times per day = 700 pushups
Block 8 – 160 pushup sets, 5 times per day = 800 pushups
Block 9 – 180 pushup sets, 5 times per day = 900 pushups
Block 10 – 200 pushup sets, 5 times per day = 1000 pushups

Block 'X'
What is a block? 

A block is a unit of time in which I will perform the stated number of pushups daily, until I believe I am ready for the next block.  I may take one week on each block, or I may take one week on Block 1 and 2, but three weeks on Block 3 before I am ready for Block 4.  I simply don’t know what the timelines my body will allow me to achieve, but I know that I can get there.  I would like to think that I can spend one week in each block, thus doing 1000 pushups per day by the tenth week.  We will have to see.

What is a set?

A set is a number of pushups that will be performed at one time.  This does not mean that I will be doing a complete set without pausing, just that I will do them as quickly as I am capable of doing them, with as few stops as possible.  I can certainly do 20 straight as I start this process and I am fairly confident that even now I can do 40 straight, but that comes later.

My plan at this point is to do five sets per day.  One set at each of the following times: 9:00, 12:00, 3:00, 6:00, 9:00.  I may bump these up earlier in the day at some point if I find that the late night pushups are amping me up before bed.  If this is the case, I will probably add a 6:00 AM set and remove the 9:00 PM set.


June 4, 2012

Today is the day.

Not a day, or some day.  Not tomorrow, or yesterday.  Not your day, not my day…. Just THE day.

Today is the day that I CHOOSE to change my life.  There is no day like today.  There is no better day, only worse.  This is the day to begin the process of building myself into the ‘me’ that I want to be.  For myself, for my wife, and for my family.

I am not obese, but I could be.
I am not anorexic, but I could be that too.
I am not a superstar athlete and I won’t ever be.
I am not a couch lounging, self indulgent, waste of oxygen and space, nor will I allow myself to be, although I am lazy at heart and want nothing more than to lie around doing as little as possible.

I am a relatively average guy (5’8” 185lbs, 35yo), with a wonderful wife and three great kids that deserve more from me than what I currently am and what I can currently give.  Not because what I am or what I can do is not enough, simply because I am capable of more and yet I am not giving that or being that.  I am shorting myself, and thus I am shorting them.

I coach youth sports and one of the things that I demand from my players is that they give their best.  That they perform at THEIR best.  Their best is not the same as the player standing next to them.  Each has their own skills and abilities that they bring to the table and I demand that each of them reach that potential and put it on display.  Yet I am not reaching my potential.  I have not demanded the best from myself.

It doesn’t matter what my current state of fitness or activity is, only that I am not reaching my potential.  I can be better than what I am.  I can do more than what I do.  I can be stronger, faster and more capable than I was yesterday, if I do something today.  If I do something for every ‘today’ for the rest of my life.

Today I start my journey.  Perhaps if you are here, watching this or reading this, today is your day too.  Their will never be a better one, only a later one.  So make the CHOICE, as I have.  DO something about TODAY and be the ’you’ that you deserve to be.  It only takes today.