Monday, June 4, 2012

The Plan

June 4, 2012

Every goal or action needs a plan.  A goal is an achievable result that one desires to see fulfilled.  Each goal is formed of a number of actions, which take the individual or team closer to the goal.  An action is a movement you choose to take, thus a plan, however briefly considered, is made and acted upon.  If there is no plan, it is simply a re-action, not an action.

My goal is to perform 1000 pushups each and every day.  However, this is not a goal that I can currently perform, thus I have a plan of actions that will allow me to reach this goal.  This is a plan that I believe will work for me and anyone else that would like to obtain the same goal.  Where I start on the plan and where you start may be completely different, or the plan be require modification to meet your needs.  Regardless, I have a plan which is the launching point for meeting my goal.

Basic Plan
Block 1 – 20 pushup sets, 5 times per day = 100 pushups
Block 2 – 40 pushup sets, 5 times per day = 200 pushups
Block 3 – 60 pushup sets, 5 times per day = 300 pushups
Block 4 – 80 pushup sets, 5 times per day = 400 pushups
Block 5 – 100 pushup sets, 5 times per day = 500 pushups
Block 6 – 120 pushup sets, 5 times per day = 600 pushups
Block 7 – 140 pushup sets, 5 times per day = 700 pushups
Block 8 – 160 pushup sets, 5 times per day = 800 pushups
Block 9 – 180 pushup sets, 5 times per day = 900 pushups
Block 10 – 200 pushup sets, 5 times per day = 1000 pushups

Block 'X'
What is a block? 

A block is a unit of time in which I will perform the stated number of pushups daily, until I believe I am ready for the next block.  I may take one week on each block, or I may take one week on Block 1 and 2, but three weeks on Block 3 before I am ready for Block 4.  I simply don’t know what the timelines my body will allow me to achieve, but I know that I can get there.  I would like to think that I can spend one week in each block, thus doing 1000 pushups per day by the tenth week.  We will have to see.

What is a set?

A set is a number of pushups that will be performed at one time.  This does not mean that I will be doing a complete set without pausing, just that I will do them as quickly as I am capable of doing them, with as few stops as possible.  I can certainly do 20 straight as I start this process and I am fairly confident that even now I can do 40 straight, but that comes later.

My plan at this point is to do five sets per day.  One set at each of the following times: 9:00, 12:00, 3:00, 6:00, 9:00.  I may bump these up earlier in the day at some point if I find that the late night pushups are amping me up before bed.  If this is the case, I will probably add a 6:00 AM set and remove the 9:00 PM set.

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