Monday, June 25, 2012

Block 3 - Day 1

Block 3 begins today.  I am tired from a very busy weekend with Relay For Life and various football related activities, but I am determined to move forward this week.  Two week at the 40 pushup sets was not ‘easy’ per se, but it was not working me as hard as I could have been working.  In fact, there were a couple of times where I missed a set and doubled up the next set.  I wasn’t able to complete 80 straight pushups, but I could do 50, 20, 10 on my way there.

I have asked my wife to take a few photos of me to keep track of my progress.  I actually took a series of photos prior to starting, but the Sony camera I used takes a stupid proprietary mini memory stick and I appear to have misplaced the adapter that allows me to get the photos off the camera card.  I will eventually find the adapter, or purchase a new one and update an old post with these ‘starter’ photos.

Anyway, here are the photos from the beginning of Block 3, which will be the start of my 4th week of this pushup regimen.  I am not particularly happy with the state of my body, but I guess that is why I am doing this to begin with.

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