Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Block 3 - Day 23

8400 is the magic number today.

Eight Thousand Four Hundred pushups completed since the start of my journey.

It seems like such a large number, but when I reach my goal it will be slightly more than a weeks worth of work.  I am so far away, but I am growing stronger every day. 

I am seeing the physical changes in my chest, shoulders and triceps mostly.  The muscles are becoming larger and more defined every week.  They are hard again, like a muscle should be.  I still carry weight around my stomach, but I haven't changed my eating habits enough, or started enough cardio to really affect that area anyway.  I have lost a small amount of my waist, but my weight is stagnant as I exchange fat for muscle.

I have missed a couple of days of pushups.  Even with taking Sundays off for recovery, I have missed a Friday, a Thursday and a Saturday due to a busy schedule and my failure to make the pushups a priority that day.  I only completed 4 days of pushups last week, but am renewed for this week.  I will not miss a day.  I am committed to this goal.  I can do it.

I will be posting numbers of total pushups on this blog from now on.  Just a number after this post, but it will allow me to track the total number of pushups that I have completed since starting this journey.  I am not sure why it matters.  If fact, it probably doesn't, but I was wondering this weekend how many I had done so I created a spreadsheet to figure it out.  I will now be tracking my daily pushup count in this spreadsheet and it will provide me a running total.

Next week, Block 4 begins.  Look out body, 400 is coming.

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