Monday, July 23, 2012

Block 4 - Day 1

10,000 pushups is the magic number at the end of today.

400 pushups a day starting today as well.

That's a lot of work in less than two months.  That is a long, long way from where I started. 

I woke up feeling sick this morning.  Tired, achy and just not prepared to roll out of bed.  I did it anyway though.  I made myself get up and get on the floor and do my first set of 80 pushups for the day.  And do you know what?  I felt better when they were done.  I didn't feel like I was going to jump up and down and sing or anything, but I felt energized and ready to face the day.  I felt even better after my shower.  It works if you work it... so work it.

Anyway, Block 4 has begun and I am rolling towards my goal faster than I would have thought I could. 

Today is a good day.

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